
You were not made to do life alone

Find a group

Find your circle

Why groups?

At MBC, we love our people, and we love when we are connected. This is what is at the heart of our groups: connecting all the amazing people in our church to a circle of people who they can do life together with. In your group, we hope that you will find a small circle of 6-12 people who you know deeply and who know you deeply. Groups are made up of people who are journeying together as they pursue Jesus.

Groups are a relaxed, welcoming, friendly environment that we think you will love being a part of.

Want to hear from someone who has experienced Groups?

Check out this story.

Interesting In Joining?

Explore open groups using the link below.

We would love to have you be a part of a group.

What does a group meeting look like?

Each group is as unique as the people in it, so all our groups look a little bit different. That being said, most groups meet weekly and follow a similar format to this:

  • 15 minutes: Arrive and catch up

  • 45 minutes: Eat together around a table

  • 45 minutes: Discussion - either sermon discussion questions or a Bible study of some kind

  • 15 minutes: Pray and wrap up

Have Questions?

Meet Pastor Oliver

Oliver would love to help you get involved in a group. If you have any questions about why groups are important, what groups are available or how to join send him an email and he will connect to chat with you!

Email Pastor Oliver