Upcoming Events

Youth Band Boot Camp
to Aug 5

Youth Band Boot Camp

Youth Band Boot Camp 2024 will be formatted differently than previous years. Instead of every day for one week, it will be one day per week for 4 weeks: July 15, 22, 29, and Aug 5. The program runs from 1 pm-5 pm. We will have instrument lessons, music theory, group voice lessons, devotionals about worship, and full-band rehearsals where we'll learn several pieces of repertoire.

Students are expected to have at least a beginner background in the instrument they will be playing, as well as access to their own instrument (except drummers - but they should bring their own drumsticks). For piano players, if they have a keyboard they can bring that would be helpful, but let us know if you don't have one.

Cost: $40 can be paid by e-transfer to treasurermiddletonbaptist@gmail.com with the note "Youth Band Boot Camp" or by cash on the first day.

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Family Feast

Family Feast

The next Family Feast will be held on Sunday, August 4th. We hope you will be able to join the church family as we meet together for a delicious meal and an opportunity to ‘catch up’ with one another.

Please bring the following food if your name falls between:

A – H Desserts

I – P Main Dish

Q – Z Sides and Salads

Summer dishes are encouraged to avoid hot stoves and kitchens.

This Family Feast will coincide with the Kid’s Camp Sunday celebration. Children who attend Kid’s Camp are invited to bring their families to church that Sunday, as well as to the meal afterwards. If you are able to bring a little ‘extra’ of your dish, that would be fantastic.

As an added bonus there will be a table serving Filipino type cuisine.

The Kid’s Camp kids will be raising money throughout the week to help support the work that Reuben and Leah Myles are doing in the Philippines. There will be a fundraising table for anyone who would like to help the children with their endeavour.

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Family Feast

Family Feast

The next Family Feast is on June 9th. If you are able to help out with set up or in the kitchen, please sign up on the Family Feast Board in the Vestry. Wondering what to bring in the way of Pot Blessings? Please bring the following if your last name falls between:

A – H - Salads and Sides

I – P - Desserts

Q – Z - Main Dish

Looking forward to seeing you there.

Kathy, Kristen and Angela

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Family Feast

Family Feast

Join Us on May 19 for an International Family Feast!

We’re so excited about this month’s family feast, with an international twist!

Q: Why are we emphasizing the international theme? May 19 is Pentecost Sunday, so it seems like a wonderful way to recognize this significant date of the birth of the church (Acts 2) and celebrate the many new faces from around the world that we continue to welcome into our local church family.

The instructions are a little different for this month (if you have seen Angela’s awesome video on how the feasts normally work), so here’s what you need to know for next Sunday:

Bring a dish to share that either celebrates your cultural background or an international dish that you just really like to make or eat…don’t forget that

Canada has its own culture too!

We will not be using the alphabet system; there are sign-up sheets on the board in the vestry for you to put down what you are interested in bringing so we can get an idea of how much to expect for mains, sides, and desserts.

There will be cards available to identify your dish; please tell us what your dish is called and where it originates from.

So come join us on Sunday, May 19, for a beautiful time of food and fellowship.

We hope to see you there!

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Kids Ministry Spring Cleaning

Kids Ministry Spring Cleaning

We are doing some spring cleaning in our kids ministry spaces and we need YOUR help! Drop in to the church between 3-6 pm on Saturday April 13 to help wash windows, clean toys, sanitize, and deep clean the spaces that our kids use on a regular basis.

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Prayer Summit

Prayer Summit

The Prayer Summit has been rescheduled for February 17, 9 am - 12 pm, where we will compile all of the insights and words from God from our praying throughout the month and seek to discern together what God is saying to our church for the year ahead. This is a key moment in the life of our church each year. We would like to share a potluck lunch afterward of sandwiches and sweets.  If your last name begins with the letter A-N, please bring sandwiches, and letter O-Z, please bring sweets.

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Soup Lunch

Soup Lunch

Sunday after the worship service we will be celebrating the conclusion of the Month of Prayer and Fasting with a soup lunch. As part of this soup lunch, we will be celebrating the Lord's Supper and celebrating Tim Prosser who will be headed out at the end of February to Calgary to compete in cross-country skiing at the Special Olympics. We will also be receiving a free-will offering that will go towards the youth trip to One Con in Moncton later in the spring. 

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Prayer Summit

Prayer Summit

On February 3, from 9 am to 12:00 pm, we will hold a special prayer summit where we will compile all of the insights and words from God from our praying throughout the month and seek to discern together what God is saying to our church for the year ahead. This is a key moment in the life of our church each year.

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