Upcoming Events

One Conference
to May 31

One Conference

Youth Rally in Moncton, NB

Students will join ~3000 other youth from around Atlantic Canada for a huge youth conference featuring worship, teaching, and the Fun Zone!

Date: May 30-31, departure and return time TBD

Cost: $100

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Family Feast

Family Feast

The next Family Feast is on Sunday, November 3rd. Everyone is welcome to our 'church family' gathering for fellowship and good food.

As always, you are asked to bring a casserole/plate of food to share. Last name initials determine what to bring.

A-H Veg or sides ( e.g. buns, biscuits, cornbread, veg casseroles)

I-P Desserts (a family favourite)

Q-Z Main Dish ( e.g. soups, stews, casseroles etc.)

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Sponsor a Poinsettia

Sponsor a Poinsettia

Sponsor a Poinsettia

If you would like to honour the memory of a loved one during the 'Hanging the Greens' service on Dec 1, you may pre-order a Poinsettia for $10. These artificial Poinsettias, beautifully arranged by a local florist, will be kept by MBC to use again in the coming years.  Monies raised through this event will go toward The Spot.
Use the link below to order a poinsettia or stop by the church office to do so in person. 

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Teen Challenge Sunday

Teen Challenge Sunday

Teen Challenge Canada is a 12-month, faith-based, in-residence drug and alcohol rehabilitation program, for adults 18+, that is part of a network of over 19 Teen Challenge Centres across Canada and more than 1,400 worldwide.

The program has a strong faith-based approach and offers spiritual, academic and vocational training that helps equip individuals to return to society as responsible citizens.

Their mission is to demonstrate God's love by helping individuals become free from substance addiction and equipping them to live full and meaningful lives.

On Nov 24, come and hear a dynamic presentation featuring testimonies and stories of finding freedom from addiction!

To learn more about Teen Challenge, visit the link below:

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Operation Christmas Child Shoeboxes
to Nov 24

Operation Christmas Child Shoeboxes

Operation Christmas Child Shoeboxes
The mission of Operation Christmas Child is to demonstrate God’s love in a tangible way to children in need around the world. Through this project, Samaritan’s Purse partners with the local church worldwide to share the Good News of Jesus Christ and make disciples of the nations.  Shoeboxes and labels can be picked up in the lobby outside the church office.  Please return filled shoeboxes to the church from November 19-22, 8:30 AM - 12:30 PM or on Sunday, November 24.  For information about how to pack a shoebox, please visit the link below.

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ABW World Day of Prayer

ABW World Day of Prayer


The ladies of Middleton Baptist Church ABW would like to invite all ladies to join us in the Baptist Women's World Day of Prayer. We will meet on November 4th for tea at 1:15 and convene at 2:00 for worship and prayer.

Baptist women around the world will be gathering together on this day, and it is truly awesome to be a part of this event. The Middleton ladies are looking forward to welcoming you. Please mark your calendar and join us on November 4th.

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