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Small Groups Launch

  • Middleton Baptist Church Middleton Nova Scotia (map)

We are so excited for small groups to launch for a new winter season. You will have the chance to sign up for a small group after the service, or you can do that anytime using the Next Steps button at At the launch, you will have the chance to be introduced to all the different group leaders and have them share a little bit about what will happen in their group. There are a few important things I want to mention about small groups. 

  1. Small groups are for EVERYONE. We believe that everyone should be a part of a small group. We model this after Jesus, who walked closely with his 12 disciples. Groups are not for the super committed Christians, or the knowledgable, or the older people, or the younger people. They are for everyone. It is a commitment to fit this into your schedule, but it is an important one.  

  2. Small groups are one of the four environments for discipleship. We have four environments that we believe every follower of Jesus and member of MBC should be a part of, and small groups are one of them. Being a part of a small group helps us take steps with Jesus and become more like Him. 

  3. Small groups last for three months. We recognize that joining a small group can be intimidating, especially if you have never done it before. Will you enjoy it? Will you like the group? What if you are uncomfortable? For this reason, we have set up groups this year to be in three-month sessions that run from September-November and February-April. This way, you can give a group a shot, but you are not making a lifelong commitment to that group. 

Over the next few days, take some time to pray and consider with Jesus if you should be joining a small group this fall session. 

February 1

Rally Night

February 5

Prayer Summit