The next Family Feast will be held on Sunday, August 4th. We hope you will be able to join the church family as we meet together for a delicious meal and an opportunity to ‘catch up’ with one another.
Please bring the following food if your name falls between:
A – H Desserts
I – P Main Dish
Q – Z Sides and Salads
Summer dishes are encouraged to avoid hot stoves and kitchens.
This Family Feast will coincide with the Kid’s Camp Sunday celebration. Children who attend Kid’s Camp are invited to bring their families to church that Sunday, as well as to the meal afterwards. If you are able to bring a little ‘extra’ of your dish, that would be fantastic.
As an added bonus there will be a table serving Filipino type cuisine.
The Kid’s Camp kids will be raising money throughout the week to help support the work that Reuben and Leah Myles are doing in the Philippines. There will be a fundraising table for anyone who would like to help the children with their endeavour.